scientific program
Preliminary scientific program
Minor changes can still be done. The abstract book will be added in due time but individual abstracts can already be downloaded by clicking the corresponding link bellow.
Click here for instructions for speakers and poster presentations.
Click on areas to see details...Or download the complete preliminary program here!
Abstract Book (download file here)

Preliminary Scientific Program
Wednesday 8th July
08:30 - 09:00 AM Welcome Desk Open
09:00 - 09:30 AM Opening of the Symposium
Symposium Biological Motion
Jorge Santos
09:30 - 10:30 AM Recognition of body motion: from visual sequence analysis to
structured dynamic motor representations.
Martin Giese (Invited Speaker) download
10.30 - 11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:20 AM Multimodal perception and action in biological motion.
Santos, J.A, Mouta, S., Mendonça, C. & Ferreira, J. download
11:20 - 11:40 AM Translational biological motion stimuli for perceptual research
Aragão, B., Fontes, L., Pereira, R., Santos, J., Soares, E. &
Correia, M.V. download
11:40 - 12:00 AM Neural correlates of 2D and 3D biological vs non-biological
object perception: psychophysics, and neurophysiology
Graewe, B., Farivar, R., Weerd, P. & Castelo Branco, M.
12:00 - 12:30 PM Visit to the Laboratory of Visualization and Perception
12:30 - 02:30 PM Lunch
Symposium Visual Illusions and Complexity
Moderator: Enric Munãr
02:30 - 02:45 PM Illusions and illusionists: how to fool the brain with magic and other tricks;
Susana Martínez-Conde download
02:45 - 03:00 PM Visual complexity and beauty; Marcos Nadal & Enric Munar download
03:00 - 03:15 PM Adjustment strategies in the Vertical-Horizontal illusion; José E. García-Albea,
Daniel Rivera, José M. Gavilán, Marc Guasch y Josep Demest download
03:15 - 03:30 PM What drives the first dominance phase in binocular rivalry?; Blanco, F.
Valle-Inclán, J. Corral, I. Serrano-Pedraza download
03:30 - 03:45 PM Illusory reverse-motion caused by converging moving objects; Alejandro Maiche,
Rubén Budelli & Leonel Gómez-Sena download
03:45 - 04:00 PM Three factors in
visual complexity; Enric Munar & Marcos Nadal download
04.00 - 04:30 PM Coffee Break
Symposium Visual Perception
Moderator: Miguel Castelo-Branco
04:30 - 04:45 PM Ambivalence and ambiguity in facial expression of emotions; María Fernández
Cahill & Luis Aguado Aguilar download
04:45 - 05:00 PM Modulation of perceptual processing by the affective meaning of faces: an ERP
(event-related potentials) study; Berenice Valdés-Conroy, Luis Aguado, Teresa
Dieguez Risco, Sonia Rodriguez & F.J. Román download
05:00 - 05:15 PM Neural correlates of ambiguous face detection; João Castelhano, José Rebola,
Eugenio Rodriguez, Britta Grawe & Miguel Castelo-Branco download
05:15 - 05:30 PM Perception of radial motion relies on
detecting spatial displacements; Cristina
de la Malla & Joan López-Moliner download
05:30 - 07:00 PM Posters and Reception
Thursday 9th July
09:00 - 09:30 AM Welcome desk open
Symposium Colour Vision
Moderator: Julio Lillo
09:30 - 10:30 AM Colour Categories in Infancy and Early Childhood
Anna Franklin (Invited Speaker) download
10.30 - 11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:15 AM A categorical colour effect in the brown-orange boundary; J. Lillo,
A. Al-Rasheed & H. Moreira download
11:15 - 11:30 AM The Relationship Between Categorical Colour Perception and Shift
Towards Prototype; Ian Davies & Emre Özgen download
11:30 - 11:45 AM Colour Categorical Perception and Colour Metrics; Oliver Wright download
11:45 - 12:00 AM Category training affects colour discrimination; Gilda Vasiliki Drivonikou,
Alexandra Clifford, Anna Franklin, Emre Özgen & Ian Davies download
12:00 - 12:15 PM Chromatic diversity of indoor scenes rendered with CIE illuminants and
white LEDs; Linhares,João MM, Felgueiras, Paulo ER,
Pinto, Paulo D & Nascimento, SMC download
12:30 - 02:30 PM Lunch
Symposium Temporal Aspects of Perception
Moderator: Joan López-Moliner
02:30 - 02:45 PM The role of temporal processing and feedback in visual attention
and awareness; Stephen L. Macknik download
02:45 - 03:00 PM Reaction time used as a mean to asses perceptual latencies in cortical motion
processing; L. Gomez-Sena, R. Budelli & A. Maiche download
03:00 -0 3:15 PM Physiological influences on the rate of
subjective time - the case of hypercapnia;
D.T. Field, C.Whyborn & C.A.Scott download
03:15 - 03:30 PM Time in motion:
speed channels and the colour-motion asynchrony;
Joan López-Moliner & Daniel Linares download
03:30 - 04:00 PM Coffee Break
Symposium Touch: Behavioral
Data and Brain Activations
Moderators: Soledad Ballesteros & y José Manuel Reales
04:00 - 04:20 PM A descriptive model of horizontal gradient and oblique effect in the haptic
parallelity task; Marcos Fernández & David Travieso download
04:20 - 04:40 PM The Haptic Horizontal-Vertical Illusion Across Adulthood; Morton A. Heller,
Julia Mayas, José Manuel Reales & Soledad Ballesteros download
04:40 - 05:00 PM Neural correlates of textured stimuli using a discrimination task: An
electrophysiological study; Francisco Muñoz, Manuel Sebastián,
José Manuel Reales & Soledad Ballesteros download
05:00 - 06:00 PM Posters
08:00 - 11:00 PM Banquete at Solar do Arco (see walking directions)
Friday 10th July
09:00 - 09:30 AM Welcome desk open
Symposium Hearing and Speech
Moderator: Luis Enrique Lopez Bascuas
09:30 - 10:30 AM The role of acoustic scale in the perception of musical notes and instruments
Roy Patterson (Invited Speaker) download
10:30 - 11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:15 AM Auditory Discontinuities and the Perception of Vowel Height in Spanish
Back Vowels; Luis E. López-Bascuas download
11:15 - 11:30 AM Psychoacoustical verification of current theories on the generation of human
distortion product otoacoustic emissions; E.A. Lopez-Poveda & P.T.
Johannesen download
11:30 - 11:45 AM Vowel formant structure and speaker identification. A perceptual study;
Mª José Albalá, Elena Battaner, Juana Gil, Joaquim Llisterri, María Machuca,
Victoria Marrero, Carme de la Mota, Montserrat Marquina & Antonio Ríos download
11:45 - 12:00 AM Asymmetry in Auditory Priming: Evidence from the Perception of Words,
Sounds, and Talkers; Julio Gonzalez Alvarez & Conor T. McLennan download
12:00 - 12:30 PM Business Meeting & Closing
12:30 - 02:30 PM Lunch
- Psychophysical correlates of bias in decision-making; Pardo-Vázquez J.L, Padrón, I., Fernández-Rey, J., Leborán V. & Acuña C. download
- Does illusory surface inclination affect eye movements?; Laura Pérez Zapata, Antonio Aznar-Casanova & Hans Sùper download
- How does illusory surface inclination affect the accuracy of orientation judgements?; Laura Pérez Zapata, Manuel Moreno, Hans Super & Antonio Aznar-Casanova download
- The position of a reference matters when judging egocentric distances; R. Sousa, E. Brenner & J. B. J. Smeets download
- Classification of face gender and expression in different spatial frequency bands; L. Aguado, S. Rodríguez, F. J. Román, & I. Serrano-Pedraza download
- Facilitation of object recognition: An effect of contextual cueing; Marieke van Asselen, Joana Sampaio & Miguel Castelo-Branco download
- Perceptual learning in humans: the use of same/different tasks; P. P. Faria & P. B. Albuquerque download
- An exploratory study of diverse methodological factors related with the perception of beauty; Patricio Bustos, Julia Christensen, Nadine Gut, Albert Flexas, Marcos Nadal, & Enric Munar. download
- The neural bases of the perception of beauty: Differences and similarities between men and women; A. Flexas, J. Christensen, N. Gut, M. Nadal, P. Bustos & E. Munar. download
- Eye movement patterns during the scanning of emotional images; Cabestrero, R., Quirós P., Crespo, A. & Conde-Guzón, P. A. download
- Exploratory Eye Movements and the Müller-Lyer Illusion; A. Díaz, M.P. Aivar & D. M. Jacobs download
- What fixations reveal about perceptual styles; Maria Solé Puig, Laura Pérez Zapata, Antonio Aznar Casanova & Hans Super download
Learning to listen through another person's ears: astudy of learning curves using non-individualised Head-Related Transfer Functions; Santos, J.A., Mendonça, C., Murteira, C., Ferreira, J.P., Dias, P. & Campos, G. download
Instructions for speakers
Most of the regular oral communications are schedule for 15 minutes and should be prepared for 12 min to allow for 3 min discussion; those with 20 min should be prepared for 17 min to allow for 3 min discussion. The default computer to be used for slide projection will have Windows XP with Office 2007. It may be possible to use your own machine or non-standard software but testing should be done with the audiovisual technician well before of the schedule time for the presentation and we cannot guarantee a satisfactory result.
Speakers should contact the session moderator in advance of the session and handle the file with the presentation to the audiovisual technician before 9 AM, during the coffee or lunch breaks.
Instructions for poster communications
Posters should be prepared with 0.9 m (horizontal) x 1.1 m (vertical) and should be put up during the first day of the conference.