abstract submission




Submission of abstracts is via email to Sérgio Nascimento (smcn@fisica.uminho.pt) or João Linhares (jlinhares@fisica.uminho.pt).


Send the abstract as an attachment in Microsoft© Word© ".doc" file format and indicate in the text of the email your preferences concerning oral or poster presentation. After submission, notification of receipt will be sent out as confirmation.

The text of the abstract should have a maximum of 300 words (excluding title, authors, affiliations and funding acknowledgments). Please follow the style of theexample.


The ICVS by-laws require that all first authors be members, thus prior to abstract submission:

  • renew your membership or become a new member at theICVS website;
  • register to the 20th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society in theregistration page.



University of Minho  fct  MNS  CMBraga  CGD  WideColour

 multiopticas  crs   OSA  essilor  BES