
Participants are responsible for making their own hotel reservations.

A shuttle transfer will be available from the city centre and from the Bom Jesus park to the conference venue.


Hotels with shuttle transfer to the conference site and special rates for ICVS participants (please mention 20th Symposium of the International Colour Visual Society):

Hotel Turismo* * * *

This hotel is in thecity centreand is a shuttle pickup point.

double room:   64.50€
single room:    53.00€

Hoteis do Bom Jesus * * * *

Cluster of three hotels in the Bom Jesus Park: Hotel do Elevador, Hotel do Templo and Hotel do Parque. The Hotel do Elevador is the shuttle pickup point.

double room:    62.00€
single room:     49.50€

Hoteis do Bom Jesus* * *

The Hotel do Lago is also in the Bom Jesus Park near the shuttle pickup point.

double room:   43.00€
single room:    37.50€


Other accommodation (with no shuttle transfer to the conference site nor special rates):

Albergaria Sra-a-Branca* * * * (city centre, about 3 km from the conference venue)

Hotel Lamaçães* * * (near conference venue, at 10min walking distance)

Hotel Carandá * * *(city centre, about 3 km from the conference venue)

Hotel João XXI* * (city centre, about 3 km from the conference venue)

youth hostel (city centre, about 3 km from the conference venue)



University of Minho  fct  MNS  CMBraga  CGD  WideColour

 multiopticas  crs   OSA  essilor  BES